Leicestershire & Rutland

Chess Association

LRCA League League Cups Summer Cups Players Barred Players Submit Results

Welcome to the Leicestershire and Rutland Chess Association Website. All the main news will appear on this page.

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There will no longer be a handbook either on line or printed for season 2017-2018

The various sections of the handbook for 2017-18 are all on line and can be found here:



County Teams

League rules

League Fixtures

Grading List

FIDE Laws of Chess


The rules for the Summer Cups can be found here:

Chapman and Birstall Cup rules

Wylie Cup rules

Harrod Cup rules


The LRCA handbook for 2016-17 can be found on line here. *** The handbook will no longer be printed and distributed ***

The LRCA handbook for 2015-16 and the handbook cover can be found on line here.

Printable copies of the scoresheets for the league and summer cups, in both word and pdf format can be found here:

League (word) and (pdf)

Chapman and Birstall Cup(word) and (pdf)

Wylie and Harrod Cup (word) and (pdf)

The Laws of Chess from FIDE which came into force on the 1st of July 2014 can be found here.

An amendment to the Laws is to take place from 1st January 2018

7.5.1 An illegal move is completed once the player has pressed his clock. If during a game it is
found that an illegal move has been completed, the position immediately before the irregularity
shall be reinstated. If the position immediately before the irregularity cannot be determined, the
game shall continue from the last identifiable position prior to the irregularity. Articles 4.3 and 4.7
apply to the move replacing the illegal move. The game shall then continue from this reinstated
7.5.2 If the player has moved a pawn to the furthest distant rank, pressed the clock, but not replaced
the pawn with a new piece, the move is illegal. The pawn shall be replaced by a queen of the same
colour as the pawn.
7.5.3 If the player presses the clock without making a move, it shall be considered and penalized as
if an illegal move.
7.5.4 If a player uses two hands to make a single move (for example in case of castling, capturing or
promotion) and pressed the clock, it shall be considered and penalized as if an illegal move.
7.5.5 After the action taken under Article 7.5.1, 7.5.2, 7.5.3 or 7.5.4 for the first completed illegal
move by a player, the arbiter shall give two minutes extra time to his opponent; for the second
completed illegal move by the same player the arbiter shall declare the game lost by this player.
However, the game is drawn if the position is such that the opponent cannot checkmate the player’s
king by any possible series of legal moves.
7.6 If, during a game it is found that any piece has been displaced from its correct square, the
position before the irregularity shall be reinstated. If the position immediately before the irregularity
cannot be determined, the game shall continue from the last identifiable position prior to the
irregularity. The game shall then continue from this reinstated position.


The minutes of the 2017 LRCA Annual general meeting held on the 6th June 2017 can be read here.

The minutes of the 2016 LRCA Annual general meeting held on the 8th June 2016 can be read here.

The minutes of the LRCA Juniors committee meeting held on the 2nd September 2015 can be read here.

The minutes of the League Management Committee meeting held on the 25th August 2015 can be read here.

The minutes of the 2015 LRCA general meeting held on the 25th August 2015 can be read here.

The minutes of the 2015 LRCA Annual general meeting held on the 3rd June 2015 can be read here.

The minutes of the LRCA Juniors committee meeting held on the 28th May 2015 can be read here.

The minutes of the LRCA Juniors committee meeting held on the 5th August 2014 can be read here.

The minutes of the 2014 LRCA Annual general meeting held on the 4th June 2014 can be read here.

The minutes of the 2013 LRCA Annual general meeting held on the 29th May 2013 can be read here.


Below are previous copies of the LRCA handbooks:

Click here for the handbook 2014-15 and here for the handbook cover 2014-15.

Click here for the handbook 2013-14 and here for the handbook cover 2013-14.

Click here for the handbook 2012-13 and here for the handbook cover 2012-13.

Click here for the handbook 2011-12 and here for the handbook cover 2011-12.