Leicestershire &

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This is the archive section of the LRCA website. It has not been updated since 2010. It is here for reference only. Latest information on the league, county championships, county teams, officers etc is on our main site, see below.

Check the News page for details of recent news.

Who We Are

Leicestershire & Rutland Chess Association is the body recognised by the English Chess Federation as being responsible for chess in the city of Leicester and the counties of Leicestershire and Rutland.  The Association is affiliated to the Midland Counties Chess Union.

What We Do

Control, organise and co-ordinate all County chess affairs and support independent events.

Act as the organisation recognised by the English Chess Federation, and the Midland Counties Chess Union as the governing body of chess in Leicestershire & Rutland, and to affiliate to those bodies.

Encourage the establishment of chess clubs in Leicestershire & Rutland and to foster chess playing generally.

Run county teams at all levels (including junior u/12, u/14, u/16 and u/18)